Wednesday, 7 September 2011


           I had a reprieve from the bowling shoes, not long after I posted my last blog my friend txt'd me to say there had been a last minute change of plan as another of our friends was feeling a bit rough and that we would have to rearrange our bowling afternoon for another day. Instead we decided to go to the cinema the next day but when we got there my mate realised she hadn't brought enough money with her... d'oh! So, cinema out of reach, we did the only thing we could and headed to the pub (they do unlimited refills of coke- result!) When we got there we found out there was a pub quiz and so the team of the two of us became "And the Winner Isn't"  And we didn't win! It was great fun though and free to enter which was a bonus. I like a good pub quiz as it gives me a chance to show off my brilliantly sharp mind (HA!) It was during a break between rounds that I decided to check my email (I wasn't cheating by going on the internet in search of answers- honest!)and found out that two of my bookmarks (the pirate ones) had been sold. I think the whole pub heard my over excited cry of ' I've sold something! Twice!'  

I must admit I was starting to wonder if I was ever going to sell anything so to find out that something I'd made had caught someone's eye and they had paid actual, real life money for it has put a huge smile on my face. It's given me a shot of confidence and tmw I'm going to spend the day making items to replace the ones that have sold (woooot!) I've also started to tidy a table off in the spare room in preparation for a kiln! I can not tell you how excited I am to be finally giving glass craft a go.I've got to make super sure that the space is suitable but I think it will be ok, I'm still a little worried that it will be too fumey and that I will have to wait until the garage is sorted out (not looking likely to be done any time soon- still waiting for someone to have the time to give us some quotes and we asked a while ago) to use it properly. Fingers crossed that its ok!
Have a great Wednesday!


  1. Hey congratulations! It such a thrill isn't it and I know what you mean about getting a real adrenalin rush to create. Well done and enjoy your buzz of activity

  2. deeply satisfying to have 'real 'life' money paid for something you do- it's total validation! The kiln sounds exciting - new toys to play with!
