Monday 7 March 2011

In the garden.

First of all I want to say a big thank you to all who commented on my last post, its nice to know I'm not ranting to nothingness! :)

It has been a busy week, I have been knitting away at all hours making variations of the flower brooch I put up in my last post. I would have liked to have taken part in the addictive Handmade Monday (1st unique gifts) but, tho I have been working hard, I haven't got anything finished. Instead I have lots of different pieces all waiting to be assembled. Hopefully next week I will be able to take part and have tonnes of stuff to show :) I have decided to take the plunge and open up a folksy shop listing the brooches I make in the next few weeks. *bites nails*

I went to clinic Wednesday and as expected I was advised to have IV's. Normally I would do these myself at home but because I have had a bit of a tough time these past few months and am tired both emotionally and physically, they decided I could come in for a week and be looked after and finish my second week at home.It is so against my nature to want to go in hospital but I have found myself longing to just *stop* and let someone else take over the meds giving and drug mixing.The ward is packed at the moment so I probably wont get a bed until the 23rd ish but they said that's ok as long as I stay as I am now and don't get more breathless or tired. They did notice that I've lost a few pounds but don't seem overly concerned. I am though as I hate to be all skinny and boney. I like having a bum and boobs!
I am meeting a mate in Manchester sometime this week and I am going to buy some beads and bookmark blanks to take in hospital with me to give me something to do and hopefully tempt the staff to part with some cash :)
The weather has been gorgeous where I am today so I decided to have a bit of time in the garden. It was so peaceful just sitting there in the sun listening to the birds while I soaked up the rays. I love this time of year, I can sense the turn of the season from Winter to Spring and it makes me feel positive and happy. Everything is starting to wake up and I feel I am too after seemingly sleep walking through the harsh Winter. I stayed outside unit the sun went in and I could see my breath.

Have a fab week!


1 comment:

  1. Can't wait to see more of your brooches. You will have to post some of the items you make when you get out of hospital too. Though lets hope you don't have much left and get the nurses to part with their cash!
