Tuesday, 21 August 2012

Busy Month!

I haven't blogged in such a long time, bad, bad me! In my defence it has been somewhat of a hectic month. First I went in hospital to have my wisdom teeth out, I was in for about a week and the actual pulling of the teeth wasn't half as bad I thought it would be. My gums were jabbed with some local anaesthetic, (this didn't hurt at all which really surprised me) I put my headphones on, turned up my ipod, opened my mouth and let the dentist do his work. I did have a bit of trouble with coughing and they had to stop for me to get my breath back a few times but the actual procedure went well. It did feel really strange though, with lots of tugging and pulling. Afterwards I was given painkillers and told to keep off the hot drinks for a day. I was very lucky and didn't have much pain and no swelling, it was as if I hadn't had anything done.

I was allowed home for 12 days before I was back in to have my peg (that I had put in in April, you may remember my nervous post) changed to a button (basically a long tube changed to something just abit bigger than a pound coin) This did not go according to plan and  I have to go back yet again on the 28th for them to have another crack at getting one fitted on the 29th and then hopefully I'll be home a few days later. I think by the time that is done I will have spent more of August in hospital than at home, I may have to add that up to see if it is right.

I haven't got much crafting or Etsy listing done which makes me sad, I've been so tired and apart from a night to bingo yesterday, I have done nothing but eat and sleep. I think the drugs, painkillers and sedation I have had just over a week ago is still swilling around my system. I'll be glad when everything is done then I can get back into things without worrying that I will be back in hospital in five minutes! I feel a bit stuck at the moment and a bit ... lazy doesn't seem the right word, more like I'm waiting. This is the first night I have turned on my laptop for a while, I've had the internet and Facebook on my phone which doesn't require much energy.  I can't wait to get back to blogging (especially Handmade Monday) listing on Etsy (the craftyfolk team!) and making treasuries and, of course, actual making!

I hope everyone is having a more productive month than me!



  1. I hope September is a better month for you Harriet.

    Take care,

  2. I can understand that slightly strange, waiting feel as you are in limbo between hospital treatments - I hope that all goes well on the 29th and that you soon build up your energy for a more creative September.

    Liz xx

  3. Hope you feel better soon and it all goes well on the 29th x Will be thinking about you. Looking forward to seeing some new makes as well when you're up to iy!
    ps that bluey wire wrapped cabachon was really pretty, love the colour!
