Saturday, 30 June 2012

Catch up.

It feels like forever since I did a non Etsy or Craft post. I have been so busy setting myself up on Etsy including getting in touch with HMRC to let them know- I still have a way to go there and, tbh, it's all a bit scary. I haven't been able to do any paid work for years so everything like tax and National Insurance all seems a bit confusing and I have no idea how best to keep records. A few people have told me I should just sell online without letting anyone know but I just know I would get caught and anyway, I wouldn't enjoy it if I wasn't doing it properly. I'm an all or nothing kind of woman. It's taken a while to get proper permission from different agencies but finally I can do this :) I can't tell you how good it feels to have a structure to my day, to get up and have plans. I know I'm not going to set the world on fire, I may only sell something every few weeks (if I'm lucky!) but the effect it is having on my out look and self esteem is priceless :) And I had my first sale which made me smile for daaaaays!

I have been to clinic twice in the last month, first it was to visit a dentist about my wisdom teeth.  I have been having a bit of problems with the ones at the top as they are so far back that they can't be cleaned (ewww!) and a month or so a chunk fell off (ewwww x a million). My regular dentist can't take them because of the cf so I have to have then done at the hospital I go to.Anyway, the dentist I saw said they will be fairly easy to take out and all I will need is a local aesthetic.  I did feel a bit :S when she said I may feel a bit of tugging and hear some crunching. *bites nails*

I was also at clinic last Thursday to see my diabetic doctor about my kidneys. They aren't working as well as they should be and they are trying to work out why. It could be because I had stones a few years ago and they have made my kidneys a bit holey, it could be because I am diabetic and it can cause kidney trouble or it could just be because of the cf and all the heavy duty drugs I am on. *sigh* I have to have my blood pressure checked regularly to make sure it is normal and I may have to start some tablets- just some more to add to the list! The good news tho is that I have put on weight! yey! My bmi is a healthy 21 which is a good place to be but I am aiming for a little higher. I have the date for my peg to be changed to a button- 6th August. I can't wait!

A few days ago I cut my first Sweetpeas of the year. I blogged about them here-

and here signs.html 

I bought my mum the little glass basket vase from a charity shop. I love looking round charity shops to see what bargains you can pick up :)

Have a fab weekend.



  1. Just want to reassure you that most upper 8s or wisdom teeth are known in the job as flick jobs and are usually the easiest to remove. I imagine it will be a case of antibiotic cover and extraction under LA... you will be fine.

    I think talking to HRMC is much braver!

  2. The top wisdom teeth should be very easy to get out. I had all of mine out under general anaesthetic in hospital but my ex-husband had all of his out, in 2 sessions spread over about a month, under local anaesthetic and, while not fun, was fine. Good luck with everything, though!

  3. Good luck with Etsy and all the hospital stuff! xxx

  4. I love sweetpeas! I hate all things dentists. Good luck- I'm sure they're right when they say you won't feel anything, they'll have done it a million times before.

